Age: 2 years
This evening Luke said, "I have baby in tummy, be careful please". I guess that's a hint that I may repeat myself a bit. (said while I was pregnant with his little brother)
"What happen? Oh, just commercial, Mama! Just commercial! No worry!"
(said when I tried to fast forward)
"I wuv animals! So cute! So fluffy!"
(said while playing with his stuffed animals)
Hubs just took Luke to the potty with him. I think he's used to my boring sit down routine - when hubs started going I heard Luke yell "WOW!"
Luke to his stuffed animal - "Don't be sad, Snoopy. I got you."
2/25/11Luke to his stuffed animal - "Don't be sad, Snoopy. I got you."
Luke's pronunciation of "paper towel" is "poopoo towel". He's always saying, "Need poopoo towel, Mommy!". Ohhh the hilarity.
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