Thursday, November 1, 2012

Quote Catch Up (Spring 2011)

Date: March - April 2011
Age: 2 years, 2-3 months

After donning his Sabres jersey 4 the game tonight Luke went between "I like this shirt!" & "I a Sabres guy!" for 5 straight mins.

Luke just pointed to my big belly & said "My brother in there. He's happy!" & gave him a kiss.

Luke reaching for something on the table: "Oh no...I'll never get this!"

Luke to my belly: "Wanna play football baby? I the big brother!"

A sign hubs has been changing Luke's diaper lately: "Mom, change my diaper please? It's disgusting. It's a stink-o."

Luke to my belly this am - "I love you, little brother" in his little guy voice. I hope he feels the same once he's born!

"Mom, my belly hurts."
"Uh oh, why, what's wrong?"
"I have a baby in there!"

I decorated the kitchen table a bit for St. Patrick's Day dinner and Luke keeps saying "Ooh good job, mom!"

Luke just handed me a $10 bill he stole from my purse and said, "Here - sixty dollars". We have a lot to discuss.

Luke told me to be a puppy so he watched me bark and pant like a dog and his reaction was, "ohh interesting"

Luke just said, "Listen, I hear something! It sounds like... peepees maybe?" Aaaand the cat peed on the floor. Awesome.

Luke: "Mommy, it's snowing! It's white! I'm excited!" least someone's getting something out of this.

Luke was pouting, [boy I was babysitting] said "Sad? Mama?", and Luke's response was to point at me & say "NO, that's MY Mommy!"

"No more jumping, that's enough for now," says Luke to [boy I was babysitting]. I can tell what kind of big brother he's gonna be!

Luke just asked me, "Why I in trouble every day?" I wonder that, too, little man!

Luke is pretending to call me on his play phone - so far I've heard requests for chocolate & a bath later.

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