Friday, December 14, 2012

If your milk smells bad, now you know why.

Date: 11/1/12
Age: 3 years, 9 months

Nana: Where does milk come from?
Luke: The store.
Matt: Good answer.
Me: But where do the stores get it?
Luke: Well you take some water and white food coloring and mix it in a container and then you have milk!
Nana: (laughing) What about chocolate milk?
Luke: It's the same thing, but with brown food coloring, and then you have chocolate milk! And strawberry milk has pink food coloring! And that's all about milk.
Me: But I have a question, don't cows have something to do with it?
Luke: Oh yeah, they poop it out!

After our laughter died down, the convo went on....

Nana: How do you make lemonade?
Luke: You take water, and no food coloring, and you just mix it.
Me:'s just water then?
Luke: Uh...yeah. But it's lemonade.

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