Friday, December 21, 2012

Voice Over Lukey

Date: 11/8/12
Age: 3 years, 9 months

One of my favorite things is listening to Luke while he's role playing. He'll often take stuffed animals, action figures, or even just a random collection of toys, and personify them. He carries on conversations back and forth, doing the voices of each character as well as his own. It's adorable to hear the things that are going through his mind - I always learn a lot!

One morning, before school, he had his collection of pillow pets out (he has three). He set them up around a box that he was using as a table, and this is what I witnessed....

Luke: You guys can live here, but I have to go to school soon.
Luke, as pillow animals: awwww
Luke: But don't worry I'll be back really soon!
Luke, as pillow animals: Yayyy!
Luke: And we can play a game called, eat the healthy food!
Luke, as pillow animals: Yay! We love healthy vegetables!

He then passed out dried cranberries to each and had them pretend to eat...

Luke: Pillow puppy, why aren't you eating your cranberries?
Luke as pillow puppy: Because I just don't like cranberries.
Luke: Oh come on, let's give it a shot.
Luke as pillow puppy: Oh yum!
Luke: See, I told ya!

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